The building’s HVAC System is in operation (8000 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM), (1850 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM) and (8010 / 8020 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM), Monday - Friday, and 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Saturday upon request, except Federal Holidays. Requests for overtime HVAC must be emailed to the property management office. You will be invoiced for overtime HVAC operations at the rate specified in your lease.
Office space is conditioned by individual packaged water-cooled self-contained units located in the mechanical rooms on each floor of the building at 8000 Towers Crescent. There are two (2) mechanical rooms on each floor controlling the east and west side. There is one (1) rooftop unit for 8010 and two (2) rooftop units for 8020 and 1850 controlling the entire building. Air is distributed to variable air volume (VAV) control boxes through a high-pressure duct distribution system.
The perimeter of the office space in the building is heated by electric resistance type heaters located in fan powered VAV units ducted to linear slot diffusers in the ceiling. The interior office space VAV system air is discharged through square ceiling diffusers connected to low-pressure ducts at the discharge of the variable air volume control boxes. The entire system is microprocessor controlled and is set to maintain 74 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and 72 Fahrenheit in the winter, plus or minus 2.5 degrees.
After Hours HVAC Costs (unless otherwise specified in lease)
- 8000 Towers Crescent - $35.00/hour for One Zone OR $50.00/hour per floor. Each floor consists of two zones: East and West.
- 8010 Towers Crescent - $25.00/hour per floor (1 zone per floor)
- 8020 Towers Crescent - $25.00/hour for One Zone OR $50.00/hour per floor. Each floor consists of two zones: East and West.
- 1850 Towers Crescent Plaza - $25.00/hour for One Zone OR $50.00/hour per floor. Each floor consists of two zones: East and West.
Requests for after-hours and holiday HVAC must be made 48 hours in advance and should be in writing. A representative of building management will follow up with a written work order for your approval.
All requests must be submitted either via email to or faxed on your company letter head to the Tenant Services Coordinator at 703-761-7579.
Extra HVAC requests must include the following:
- Building Address
- Company Name
- Suite #
- Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Zone Requested